This appetizer is a play on radishes and butter with tangy, saucy crème fraîche and a sprinkle of spicy-umami furikake. You can find furikake, the Japanese seasoning and condiment, in many store-bought styles, but this streamlined homemade version has just five ingredients and is equally versatile on fish, steamed rice, popcorn, or roasted vegetables.
Step 1
Finely grind nori in spice mill; transfer to a small bowl and mix in red pepper flakes, sesame seeds, and 1 tsp. sea salt. Using a Microplane, finely grate zest of lemon half into bowl and use your fingers to work it into nori mixture (this will keep the zest from clumping). Set lemon half aside.
Step 2
Cut radishes into a mix of ¼"-thick rounds and 1"-thick wedges, depending on their size (you just want pieces that are easy to pick up and eat).
Step 3
To serve, spoon crème fraîche onto one side of a platter or large plate and sprinkle furikake over. Pile up radishes on the other side of the platter. Squeeze juice from reserved lemon half over radishes and sprinkle with a bit of sea salt.